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Traffic stops may lead to drug charges

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2024 | CRIMINAL LAW - Drug Charges

Most Maryland drivers will be stopped at some point in their lives for a traffic violation. If a driver has illegal substances inside the car, they may face other charges. Traffic stops often lead to charges for drug possession, which can mean serious repercussions if one is convicted. This happened recently to a man in Lexington Park when he was pulled over for a routine traffic stop. 

Details of the charges 

A deputy initiated a routine traffic stop around 2:30 A.M. on a recent Tuesday morning. The stop was related to equipment violations on the vehicle, driven by a 33-year-old man from Dameron. During the stop, the officer noticed drug-related items inside the vehicle, leading him to proceed with a search of the car. The driver initially falsely identified himself, but his real name was discovered by the deputy.  

During the search, the deputy located what is believed to be crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia. A background check revealed that the driver had a warrant for his arrest. The man was arrested and charged with possession of drugs and paraphernalia. He will now have to decide how best to react to those charges in court.  

Choosing the right defense strategy  

Anyone facing drug-related charges must decide how best to react to those charges when meeting with a judge. By working with a Maryland criminal defense attorney, one can understand their rights and have guidance on how best to proceed forward. Depending on the circumstances, one may choose to plead to a lesser charge or to plead not guilty in hopes of avoiding a conviction.